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Past Events

1:1 Office Hours
Connecting aspiring and experienced PMs for experience sharing, advice, tips & tricks and more!
TPL Christmas
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy! We host cosy and casual gatherings over festive seasons and bond over boardgames & chitchats!
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TPL Hike
Taking a step away from the hustle & bustle of our daily lives, we take hikes around Singapore while engaging in deep conversations!
Mentorship Program
Structured 6-weeks program where ~ 30 Loftees are tagged to a dedicated mentor to learn & apply PM skills onto an industrial project. 

With feedback, this initiative eventually pivoted to more execution-oriented focused workshops that deep-dives into specific PM skill sets instead (e.g. user research, stakeholder management, etc.)
KIN Fellowship
With our inaugural program, we aim to provide an immersivee cohort experience for early career PMs to form deep connections beyond just networking. Make life-long friends while learning & growing together in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!
The Loft Bar
Happy hour event where Loftees come together to talk about various aspects of life / PM!
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Product Roundtable Chatter @ GetGo
Other than our typical fun gatherings, we had exciting visits to companies such as GetGo & TrustBank to learn from their product and UX teams on specific PM challenges!
Curriculum Program
Structured 6-weeks program where Loftees learn the foundations of how to be a PM.

This covers the entire end-to-end responsibilities of PMs (in areas such as user problem identification, solutioning, PRD writing, rollout delivery, go-to-market strategy, MVP formulation, etc.!)
What are you waiting for?
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